Thursday, December 30, 2010

Obama is calling on the United States at this moment to learn from China!

 It is one o'clock U.S. time. At this moment, Barack Obama is in Florida and thousands of ordinary citizens exchange. That year, he was once lost to rivals, but as he said:
I know I didn't get a lot of votes here,
but I'm going to get them next time.
I'm going to win you over.
I know, I did not get many votes here .
all I get ready for the next.
we are going to win you all to my side.
cool when I see Obama, in good faith with the American people to answer the question, see the United States people love their leader so much to see such a unity of the American people, my eyes moist! this scene reminds me of Premier Wen Jiabao's words: disaster is in danger. Americans face an unprecedented crisis, also showed unprecedented unity!
At this moment, Obama praised in his speech China's development. See the original text of his speech:
We need to develop our infrastructure.
we need to develop our infrastructure construction.
This is America!
This is America.
If you go to Shanghai,
they have high speed rail
that puts our rail system to shame.
If you go Shanghai,
their high-speed train system to train our shame.
Airports ... you look at Beijing Airport compared to Miami Airport.
look at Beijing's airport, take a look at Miami's airport!
No comparison!
simply can not be compared.
We have to develop our own high speed rail systems,
we have to return to a focus on infrastructure!
we must develop our own high-speed train system.
we must re-focus on the development of our infrastructure!
when I repeatedly heard in China, Beijing and Shanghai a few names, I was filled with pride!
At this moment, I was in the lecture hall next to the hotel he was watching live, this time, as China's pride and sense of mission again spontaneously!

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